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Our Mission is to support youth and families, education, and the elderly.
The H.W. and D.C.H. Irwin Foundation
1992 - Present

Recognizing that today's complex society presents many issues and problems that merit foundation support, the Howard Wallis Irwin and Dorise Carlyon Hinton Irwin Foundation, established in 1992, has very broad areas of interest.  These primarily include youth and families, education, and the elderly.

The H.W. & D.C.H. Irwin Foundation is managed by the U.S. Bank Foundation Team in Portland, Oregon.




Of special interest to the Irwin Foundation are efforts aimed at expanding the number of Americans who are able to participate in the economic and business activities which are crucial to our nation’s continuing vitality and leadership.  Therefore, the Foundation places a high priority on social service projects wherein an individual functions through a social service agency in order to achieve independence and self-reliance.

The Foundation prefers to limit its funding almost exclusively to the Portland Metropolitan area.  With rare exception, the Foundation does not support medical research, endowments, annual or year end appeals or grants to individuals. While the Foundation does not grant awards for religious purposes, the Foundation will on occasion grant awards to religious organizations to be used for secular purposes. The Foundation only distributes funds to organizations with 501(c)(3) status, or who have a sponsoring agency with this status.

What we fund


Application deadlines are March 1st and September 1st each year. 

Before completing the application, please read these instructions carefully.  Incomplete applications may not be considered until all requirements have been met.  Applications must be electronically delivered no later than the deadline date to receive consideration by the Foundation. We ask that organizations limit themselves to one application per year.

Please type answer to each question within the space provided only.  Do not extend the response onto a separate sheet. We strongly encourage you to be as concise as possible in your answers. The selection committee reviews numerous applications and, as a result, would prefer to see figures as opposed to anecdotes.


Email the application with a cover letter as a single attachment and the required documents as a second attachment to with the foundation name in the subject line. The application must be signed by the Board President and the Director.


Attach SINGLE copies of the following to original application only:


            ________  Current Financial Statement

            ________  Detailed Agency Budget

            ________  Detailed Project Budget

            ________  List of Officers & Board Members

            ________  Resume(s) of key staff person(s)

            ________  Copy of IRS 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Determination Letter*

            ________  Descriptive brochure(s) if available and related to funding request


Other attachments are not necessary.



*If you submit a request along with a Tax Exemption Determination Letter in another name, you must also provide satisfactory documentation as to your connection with the name on that Tax Exemption Letter.



This page coming soon.

Past grantees


The HW & DCH Irwin Foundation

U.S. Bank of Oregon, Charitable Services Group

60 Livingston Ave., EP-MN-WS4T (CSG)

St. Paul, MN 55107

P: (503) 464-4910

Email for applications:

Email for questions:

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